Einladung zum Gastvortrag: The role of racial attitudes in Brexit and post-Brexit Britain: ethnic minority voters

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Am 24.01.24 um 18:15 Uhr in Raum GFG 01-611 ist Professor Dr. Maria Sobolewska (University of Manchester) zu Gast im Institutskolloquium. Alle Institutsmitglieder (und insbesondere auch die Studierenden) sind herzlich eingeladen! Es geht um die Rolle ethnischer Minderheiten in Großbritannien, vor und nach dem Brexit-Referendum.


Race is a new electoral cleavage in most Western Democracies, and while we have a growing understanding how attitudes towards race from white majorities shape their voting behaviour, we still know relatively little what drives the distinct voter preferences and behaviours observed among voters who self-identify as non-white minorities. The causes of this distinct behaviour are mostly assumed and rarely subject to empirical testing, due to a lack of suitable data in many countries. The guiding assumption has been that behind ethnic minorities' overwhelming support for the liberal-left lay a rejection of the ethnocentric right-wing or conservative options, which racialised minorities found threatening.


However, the 2016 EU Membership Referendum in the UK brought an interesting counter-point, by showing that minority voters can opt for ethnocentric voting choices: more minority Britons voted to Leave after an aggressively anti-immigrant campaign than ever chose to support the Conservative party in usual elections. Using two original surveys of ethnic minority voters in Britain we analyse in depth their attitudes towards race and the role it plays in their life, and how these attitudes explain voting behaviour in the 2016 Referendum and in subsequent elections.

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