Informationen für Erasmus-Studierende aus dem Ausland (incomings)


Willkommen auf den Webseiten des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Mainz!
Wir freuen uns, dass Sie im Rahmen unseres Erasmus-Programms bei uns studieren wollen.

Nachfolgend finden Sie Links zu den allgemeinen Informationen über das Studium in Mainz, zu unseren Lehrveranstaltungen sowie zu den ECTS-credits, die wir für unsere verschiedenen Veranstaltungstypen vergeben.

Wenn Sie Fragen haben, bitte wenden Sie sich an

• die JGU Internationales, wenn es um das Studium im Allgemeinen geht.
• Dr. Ferretti (  wenn Sie Fragen speziell zur Politikwissenschaft haben.


Kurse: Jogustine Course Catalogue

Unser Kursangebot für das kommende Sommersemester finden Sie in

Bitte beachten Sie auch die Veranstaltungen des Fachbereichs,  die speziell für Incomings (SoWi?So!) angeboten werden:

Englischsprachige Lehrveranstaltungen SoSe 2025:

Sem (BA/MEd)  Introduction  to the International Political Economy of Everyday Life

Sem (BA/MEd) China's foreign policy in times of geostrategic competition with the EU

Sem (BA/MEd/MA-EU) Populism in a comparative perspective, citizens and democracy

Sem (BA/MEd/MA-EU) Postcolonialism

Sem BQ/MA-EU: EU- Institutions and Decision Making / EU-Simulation

Sem (MA) Democratic speech and public discourse (normally open to advanced  BA Erasmus-students if places are available)

Sem (MA/MA-EU) International Institutions and the Security Development Nexus (normally open to advanced  BA Erasmus-students if places are available)

Sem (MA/MEd) EU External Relations (normally open to advanced  BA Erasmus-students if places are available)

Bitte beachten Sie, dass Seminarteilnehmerinnen und -teilnehmer die Unterrichtssprache mindestens auf B1-Niveau beherrschen müssen. Weitere Informationen zu den Seminaren erhalten Sie, indem Sie die Titel der Seminare anklicken sowie auf folgendem Infoblatt:

ECTS-credits: siehe Link ganz unten auf dieser Seite


Welcome to the website of the Department of Political Science at the University of Mainz!

We are delighted that you are cosidering joining us.

For incoming students with limited proficiency in German, we offer a variety of advanced Bachelor’s and Master’s courses conducted in English. Please see the list below.

You can find the complete list of courses in the Social Sciences in Jogustine Course Catalogue. 

The faculty of Social Sciences offers a range of courses especially for incoming students (SoWi?So!).

JGU offers German Language Classes for for more information please refer to the website of the International Language and Study Center (ISSK).

Summer semester 2025: 01.04. to 30.09. (Teaching semester:  07.04 to 18.07 )

Courses in English in Summer Semester 2025

Sem (BA/MEd)  Introduction  to the International Political Economy of Everyday Life

Sem (BA/MEd) China's foreign policy in times of geostrategic competition with the EU

Sem (BA/MEd/MA-EU) Populism in a comparative perspective, citizens and democracy

Sem (BA/MEd/MA-EU) Postcolonialism

Sem BQ/MA-EU: EU- Institutions and Decision Making / EU-Simulation

Sem (MA) Democratic speech and public discourse (normally open to advanced  BA Erasmus-students if places are available)

Sem (MA/MA-EU) International Institutions and the Security Development Nexus (normally open to advanced  BA Erasmus-students if places are available)

Sem (MA/MEd) EU External Relations (normally open to advanced  BA Erasmus-students if places are available)


  • Seminars, as a rule, are completed with a term paper or a take home assignment. The amount of ECTS cr. depends on the exam (plaese note that the LS for Mainz students listed in Jogustine may differ from the ECTS cr. for Erasmus students): - take-home assignments: 3 ECTS cr.
    - short term paper of roughly 10 pages: 5 ECTS cr.
    - long term paper of roughly 20 pages: 9 ECTS cr,
  • Lectures are completed with an oral exam, a written exam or a take home assigement (4 ECTS cr.).
  • Information about ECTS cr. for Courses in the SoWie?So! programme and for Language Courses are to be found  in Jogustine.

Language Requirements: To participate in our courses, a minimum of B1-level proficiency in the language of instruction is essential.


1, 0 (outstanding performance without errors)

1, 3 (above the average standard but with minor errors);

1, 7/ 2,0 / 2, 3 (generally good work but with some errors);

2, 7/ 3,0/ 3,3 (fair but with significant shortcomings);

3,7/ 4,0 (performance meets the minimum criteria).

5, 0 (failed)

Please note that students not enrolled in the Political Science program are generally allowed to attend only lectures and first- and second-year BA courses, as well as the special course designed for incoming Social Sciences students. These students may earn a maximum of 15 ECTS credits in Political Science.

Below, you will find links to general information about studying in Mainz, including details about the city, enrollment procedures, accommodation options, and information about our course programmes, as well as the number of ECTS credits awarded per course.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
• the University's International Office for to general questions (Admission Letter; accomodation etc..) about studying at the University of Mainz.
• Dr. Maria Paola Ferretti ( for any questions regarding your studies in Political Science.
