Alle Angehörigen des Instituts (auch die Studierenden!) sind herzlich eingeladen zum ersten Institutskolloqium dieses Wintersemesters am Mittwoch, den 01.12.2021, 18h s.t., bei BigBlueButton . Unser Referent ist Pablo Ortiz Barquero von der Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, España), der momentan als Gastwissenschaftler am Institut forscht.
Abstract: Since the late 80s, radical right parties have become prominent actors in many European political systems. Even in countries where this party family has been traditionally marginal for decades, such as Spain or Portugal, the radical right has become increasingly relevant. In particular, Spain provides an interesting laboratory to study this political phenomenon. VOX’s sudden breakthrough in Andalusia in 2018 and its subsequent introduction to other arenas has completely debunked so-called “Spanish exceptionalism”. Pablo Ortiz gives an overview about the new Spanish radical right and explores the nature of its electoral support, its ideological supply and its similarities and differences with other European radical right parties.